Launchpad Registry


This document has been migrated from our old wiki as is, and has not yet been revised. The content might be outdated, links and images could be broken. We are aware and will fix any issues as soon as possible.

The registry is a core domain that most all Launchpad applications require. The code is primarily located in lp.registry and


Pillars are distributions, projects and project groups. They share a common set of features.

``   * Name Blacklist: The rules that prevent names for being used either``
``   because of application restrictions or organisational ownership.``
``   * Announcements: They appear on pages and in RSS.``
``   * Application Configuration: The pages that allow owners to set where``
``   services are hosted and configure Launchpad usage.``


Projects commonly produce software, art, or some work that can be used. Projects have maintainers, and drivers, but are shared by communities who make contributions according to their own interests.

``   * Licenses: The terms that govern the use, distribution and modification``
``   of the work produced by the project. <``
``   * Commercial subscriptions: The rules that permits proprietary projects``
``   to use Launchpad.``
``   * Project groups: A grouping of projects that provides aggregated views``
``   of bugs, blueprints, and answers. The group drivers are drivers of the``
``   projects.``


Ubuntu’s releases are mirrored by other sites.

``   * Mirrors: CD and archive mirrors of distribution releases.``
``   * Distribution mirror prober: The process that checks the freshness of``
``   mirrors.``

Series, Milestones, and releases

Projects and distributions have series of milestones that mark progress toward a goal (releases). Project releases are often associated with tarballs or installers.

``   * Series: A sequence or grouping of goals that constitute an planned``
``   effort to produce a finished work.``
``   * Milestones: time-bases or feature-based goals.``
``   * Releases: A completed goal that culminated in a release of files that``
``   may by finished or be in an alpha or beta state.``
``   * Product release finder: A process to locates release files on remote``
``   sites and uploads them to Launchpad, possibly creating milestone and``
``   releases on series.``
``   * timelines: A representation of series, releases, and timelines.``

Source Packages

Distribution and distro series source packages summarise current and historical uploads of packages.

``   * Source package names``
``   * Distribution source package``
``   * (Distro series) source package``
``   * Packaging links``


Persons are users or teams registered either by a human or an import process. Person may own, manage, or interact with Launchpad artefacts.


Users represent a person. Most are registered by processes. Some users are active, meaning that a human may authenticate to assume the identity of a person.

``   * GPG``
``   * SSH``
``   * IRC``
``   * Jabber``
``   * Wiki name``
``   * Code of Conduct``
``   * Location``
``   * Karma``


Teams represents a group of users that discuss common issues or may control Launchpad artefacts. Teams are mostly registered by users, though some may be registered by an import process.

``   * Team membership``
``   * Team participation``
``   * Mailing Lists``
``   * Polls``
``   * Privacy``